Is there something I’m holding onto that I know I need to
let go, and place in God’s hands?
Do I have any resentment, unforgiveness, bitterness,
anger or rage for someone(s), something/event?
Why am I holding onto ‘this’ soo tightly? What is holding
me back from trusting fully that God can handle ‘this’?
How is holding onto ‘this’ affecting my life daily? How
has it overflowed into my relationships with others?
These are some questions to ponder, as you listen to this
song. I want to share this ‘Dangerous’ song by KJ-52 which I heard just last
week, because it is soo profoundly true.
If you don’t already know, God really uses music to speak
to me in a special way. When I heard this song for the first time, I was
reminded of where I once was, many years ago, and where God has brought me
I don’t know your story of what’s happened to you, or who’s
hurt you soo deeply. I can say, as one whom has been healed by God and restored
from abuse, that God is saddened by the injustices done to you. He wants to be
your hero, who mends your heart and soul.
I short little testimony…Many, many years ago, I had
bottled up a lot of hurt and brokenness that had occurred over many years to me
by an individual. With continual wounds, I felt as though I never had time to
heal from the previous wound. Why? I was holding onto the injustices done to
me, as a way to control how I ‘handle’ the situation/circumstance. I didn’t
realize I was only doing more damage to myself by bottling it all up, because I
finally erupted like a volcano early in college. It was soon afterwards, that I
discovered that God doesn’t desire or want me to carry that unnecessary burden.
But instead, trust Him and give all of it over to Him. I also learned that God
wants to use what we’ve gone through to glorify Him, and bring others to His
saving knowledge. If we choose to hold on soo tightly, where we’re white
knuckling it, how can we truly walk in the freedom of forgiveness that He
desires us to enjoy? Furthermore, how can we grow in deeper trusting
relationship with our Heavenly Father if we’re holding onto something that we’re
not meant to carry?
I know this is a tough thing to discuss and bring up. I
understand this is something can is often, easier said than done. I mention it
though because, as one whom God has healed and helped relinquish to Him all the
hurt and pain of physical/emotional abuse, He desires the same thing for you
too. It’s the most freeing thing. God is no respecter of persons (He doesn’t
play favorites), and wants to use your hurt and what you’ve gone though and
turn it around into a beautiful masterpiece.
Let’s strive to quickly surrender hurt when it occurs,
and extend forgiveness in the same way God, our Heavenly Father does for us on
a daily basis.
Many blessings to you, in your walk with Jesus! You are
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