Friday, January 13, 2012

Esther 1

Chapter 1 Key Points

King Ahasuerus (India to Ethiopia)
Susa (Modern Day Iran) was capital

Ahasuerus gave party for all officials for 180 days (6.5 months) THEN for all people (small and great) in Susa a feast for 7 days in the court of the garden of king’s palace.

The parties were extravagant! (Custom golden goblets, unlimited food and drink)
Luxury surrounded each guest. The king definitely knew how to throw a party.

 Queen Vashti gave a separate feast for the women in palace.

On the 7th day, Ahasuerus asked Vashti to come before the people so he could ‘show her off’ to them. She refused and the king became enraged.

Ahasuerus consults with the wise men (seven princes): Memucan proposed what to do:

·         Royal order goes out through all the kingdom in each language stating, Vashti is to never come before the king again

·         Position will to another woman, better than Vashti.

·         Royal order reaffirms the importance of wives honoring and respecting their husbands

·         Every man is master of his own household (meaning: leader of his family)

Despite his anger, Ahasuerus was wise to consult with the wise men. It is important for every Believer to have godly people to speak truth into their live,s and be accountible to. Prayer of course is key! Always go to God first.

Discussion Questions

1.    What are your thoughts on loyalty? What is it? What does it entail?

2.    For what purpose, may God have brought me to the place in my life I’m in right now?

3.    Queen Vashti embarrased King Ahasuerus and the officials with her decision to not come before them. Have you ever been in a situation where someone has put you in a position of embarrasment? What was your response?

Practical Application

1.    Seek God’s wisdom and direction where he has placed you already. Is there something He is leading you to do/don’t do that you need clarification?

2.    Ask God to provide opportunities that you can recognize are from Him, to bring glory to His name (i.e. school, work, family settings, etc.)

3.    Instead of dwelling on what pop culture says women should be, bask in the truths of what God already sees you as, in His Word. Write them out on a note card and put it in a place where you can be reminded of it frequently throughout the day.

Sources Utilized

The Message

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