Thursday, January 24, 2013

As I’m getting back into a daily routine of quality Bible time, I feel as though I’m reading Scripture again like it’s the first time. Finding new and exciting life application and seeing the story in another light that I didn’t before. 

As many of you probably already know, the Gospel of John, was written by John, one of Jesus’ disciples who followed him, and saw firsthand all that Jesus did, and who he was.

This month of January, there’ve been a lot of things that have taken place. At this time in my life, Chapter 6 of John really hits home and rings true for me. I wanted to share some of my thoughts about it.

The chapter starts out with Jesus doing a miracle and feeding at least 5 thousand people with just a couple loaves of bread and some fish. There were even leftovers, so people definitely had their fill. To feed 5 thousand individuals, that would’ve been much more than a year’s salary for someone back in the day. That was a huge miracle, Jesus did, just because he’s God, and loved them.

Later on in the chapter, we read about Jesus being the ‘bread of life.’ I love reading The Message paraphrase of the Bible, because it uses modern day language and seems to bring the Scripture home more to heart. Now, I do understand it’s not a literal translation of the Bible. I do use other translations of the Bible in accordance with The Message. But I love how verse 27 is written. Jesus has just fed the people and says, ‘Don’t waste your energy striving for perishable food like that. Word for the food that sticks with you, food that nourishes your lasting life, food the Son of Man provides. He and what he does are guaranteed by God the Father to last.’  Point to ponder: Am I looking for a temporal insignificant thing from God that doesn’t last, or am I looking to God for who He is? That’s not to say we can’t ask God for something, but rather first and always foremost, look and focus on God and spend time just being with him is what he wants. He truly desires a friendship with us. But because of the lovingness of God, he gives us a free will to choose him or not. I’ve found often times and you might be able to relate; I sometimes run to, or try other superficial things to fill something that I know, deep down inside only God can fill. So I take that verse as a challenge to me, to first seek God’s wisdom and understanding before turning to other things. Verse 35 says, ‘’I am the Bread of Life [meaning, eternal life]. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever.” That verse is something that I strive to do, not just by saying it, but practically living that out, daily.  Another way to see verse 35 is no matter what may happen in life; I want to be so crazy about God in every area of life, so when life throws me a curveball it won’t rock me off my rocker.

Some very encouraging verses were 37 and 38, “Every person the Father gives me eventually comes running to me. And once that person is with me, I hold on and don’t let go. I came down from heaven not to follow my own whim but to accomplish the will of the One who sent me.”

The rest of the chapter, verses 60 through 71 hit home as well. In church this past Sunday, the guest speakers were talking about evangelism, and really living out what one believes, yet always being ready to give an answer to anyone who asks; not to be afraid about what questions may come, but with the joy God’s placed inside of us, share the good news of salvation with others, as God provides those opportunities. For awhile now God’s had a family member on my heart for a few years. I never really knew them growing up, but recently got back in touch with them, and they’ve really been through hell and back more than anyone I know. I hope that though the way I live, and Lord willing an opportunity to talk with this individual, they may see the love of Jesus and desire to know God on a more intimate level.

Now these next verses might not mean much to y’all, but they really encouraged me. “After this a lot of his disciples left. They no longer wanted to be associated with him. Then Jesus gave the Twelve their chance: ‘Do you also want to leave?’” Jesus had just spoken to the multitudes about eternal life with Jesus, and that it is a free gift from God. His disciples, his close friends, left him because they didn’t want anything to do with him.  Jesus knows what it’s like to have friends leave and abandon you. That happened to me just a few weeks ago with someone I’ve known for many years. I’ve also had a friend betray me as well and I knew that individual for over 12 years. So even though Jesus, on earth was fully God, he was fully human as well. He experienced circumstances that we as humans experience and emotions and feelings we do as well. Very few people are meant to be in our lives for a lifetime. Another aspect of verse 67 is that we see how Jesus lovingly gives the rest of his friends who stay with him, the option of leaving. To talk about love, this shows how much he cares for them. He’s not a dictator at all, but gives them free will to choose to be friends with him, because they want to. Verse 68 and 69 express such devotion and commitment. “Peter replied, ‘Master, to whom would we go? You have the words of real life, eternal life. We’ve already committed ourselves, confident that you are the Holy One of God.’”

I understand this is might be random things learned that are diverse on the spectrum, but I had to share them, because it was just so encouraging to me. I hope in some way they might be encouraging for you or someone you know as well.