Saturday, November 24, 2012

There is so much to be thankful for each and every year. Three things I am most thankful for this 2012 year are: 1) My relationship with God. For without him, I wouldn't be where I am today, or be the person I am now. It's all because of Jesus, that I'm alive. 2) My amazing Fiance, Johnny. God definitely knew what he was doing, when he created him. As a little girl, I always dreamed of the qualities I wanted in a husband. Johnny not only has met those, but has far surpassed them by leaps and bounds. He truly is my Angel from God, and the most amazing best friend a lady could dream of! 3) My cherished family. My family has been such a huge support and encouragement to me though the years. I am also thankful for my family-to-be as well. I love them all so very much, and I can't wait to finally be a Calathes here next June!

Johnny and I recently were in Philadelphia for about 3 weeks, and got to visit the Amish country for a day. As we were driving to each Amish location, I saw just how simple they live. From plain clothes, to working hard in the fields each day, not to mention all the laundry the women wash by hand and leave outside to dry each day. It reminded me of how much I take for granted every day. I'm also reminded of how many people I know who are struggling in life right now. Whether it's finding a job, trying to make ends meet, or just having a lot of difficult stuff going on in their lives.

This Thanksgiving that we all recently celebrated, reminded me of not just the special people and family I'm thankful for, but also for the every day luxuries I enjoy that I take for granted so often.

I think it's ironic how each year most Americans take one full day just to be thankful to God for what we have, then turn around the following day and try and get all the best deals we can, while pushing and shoving just to make sure we get the latest greatest item. Now before you get your feathers ruffled, I'm not saying shopping Black Friday is a bad thing. As a matter of fact, I'm a huge fan and enjoy shopping every year. But my point is this...instead of having 1 day each year to have Thanksgiving, let every day be a day of Thanksgiving for what we enjoy and are blessed with. If you put things in perspective, we really are more blessed than we know.

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful week of being thankful to God for everything He has given us. Let's take the challenge to find at least one thing each day this upcoming year to be thankful to God for. Some days it might be difficult to find something, but there will always be something to be thankful for.

Bountiful blessings to each and every one of you!